So Ra No Wo To Wiki

In episode 3, two omikuji (strips of paper with a fortune, normally sold in shinto and buddhist shrines in Japan, but actually found inside of fortune cookies in the anime) are shown.

Rio's omikuji[]


Rio's omikuji

The kanji shown are for worst luck (大凶 dai kyō) and are translated in French as Atrocité (Atrociousness). The rest of the text is also in French:


Vœu: Soyez tranquille, vos prières seront exaucées

Affaires: À être pressé, vous passez à côté de choses importantes

Études: Étudiez mathématiques et langues étrangères

Différend: Attendez que l’orage passe

Amour: Vous manquez de modestie et cela [...]te

Demande en mariage: Vous ne trouverez pas de terrain [...] Vous (probably)

vous opposez à vos parents

Maladie: [...]choix de docteur n'est pas [...]

which translates as the following:

Atrociousness (furenchi for terribly bad luck)

Wish: Rest assured, your prayers will be fulfilled

Business: Being too pressed makes you miss out on important things

Studies: Study mathematics and foreign languages

Dispute: "Wait for the storm to pass" (= Ride out the storm)

Love: You are lacking in modesty and that [...]

Marriage proposal: You will not find a ground [...]

You oppose to your parents

Sickness: [...] choice of physician is not [...]

Felicia's omikuji[]

-HorribleSubs- Sora no woto - 03 -720p-.mkv snapshot 05.39 -2010.01.18 23.51

Felicia's omikuji

There is also another omikuji, drawn by Felicia:

Gronde (Grande) bonne chance.

Vœu: Votre rêve s'exauce mais les débuts sont difficiles

Affaires: C'est adapté à la production. Vous devez faire des efforts

Etudes: Étudiez en confiance

Différend: Déléguez

Amour: Répondez honnétement

Demande en mariage: Les débuts sont difficiles mais [...] prometteur

Maladie: Vous pouvez vous confier à [...]

Which translate to:

Very Lucky

Wish: Your dream will be fullfiled, but the start will be harsh

Business: it's adapted to production (?, possibly meaning "it's a good time for production / manufacturing") You have to make some efforts

Studies: study in confidence

Dispute: delegate

Love: answer honestly

Weddind proposal: Start will be harsh but [...] ("results will be" probably) promising

Sickness: you can confess to [...]
